
Cooking is fun!

Today I made dinner for my family. I boiled rice, made miso soup and macaroni salad and broccoli salad. My mother helped me a little, so they were nice! My younger sister asked for a second helping of miso soup, so I was glad.

Actually, I don't cook everyday but I decided to cook dinner every Friday night because I learned that New Zealand people don't cook dinner on Friday. Friday is the day which people can feel relax and don't have to act hard. My host mother didn't cook on Friday and she ordered some fried potatos and fried fishes. So, people love Friday! Friday is best day!!:0
I think so too, if there are the habit in Japan.

I thought it's good idea, so I decided on try cooking dinner and that let my mother lead a confortable Friday night. Also cooking is one of the training for homemaking, so I'll try hard from now on!

[165 words]

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