
A Matter of LIFE and DEATH

This morning, I waited Ayaka to go to school gate 4. I waited in the front of Pt. Chevalier library because of rain. She was too late but a man who is working in the restaurant in New Market spoke to me, "Hi, are you waiting for someone?" I said "Yes, I'm waiting for my school friend." Then the man asked me a few simple question. It was a little bit difficult for me to catch his words completely but I could keep talking. He was good man and very kind, so it was good meeting and good practice of speeking in English! Then Shiori came, so a man and I and Shiori were chatting. After 10 min later, Ayaka came, so I and Ayaka and Shiori went to gate 4 and took the bus.

Today we went to Muriwai Beach & Ganet Colony and it was far from here, so I got carsick! When we got off the bus, it was so cold and windy!! I was very surprised at the wind power and screamed. There was a series of precipitous cliffs and the waves were very heavy. When we went back the bus, we had to go across the dangerous zone. I thought " I can't, I can't, I caaaaan't!!!!!" Because it was very very dangerous to across. The strong waves were comming us, so I thought that it was a matter of life and death.

I got across the dangerous zone very carefully and I still alive!!!!" I was happy! Then the Unitec officer,Tina bought us hot chocolate each. It was very nice because my cold body became warm. Then I ate an icecream. After went back Unitec, we had a lunch and then I and Yui looked around the market in the school and found a cute and nice skirt there, so we bought one! Today's class was join my class and another class and asked some question to a teacher whose hobby is tramping and she is a teacher and mother both. Then the class was separated again, and my class played the game which is one person tell others using body language or write a picture or tell in English. It was dificult for me.

After the class, I and Sanae, Ayaka, Michiru and Chisato were chatting in the dove cafe. We talked about love and each boyfriend. It was very fun and I was glad to make other new friend. It was very good experience for me, I think. When I went back home at 6:00pm, I had a dinner with my host family. Then I asked my host mother about the garvage system because it's my presentation topic. Then I wrote a letter for my boyfriend.

Benjamin was still sick. I hope he'll be good tomorrow morning.
[472 words]

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